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Patient Information

FAQ’s and Information you will need for your appointment.

Here at Tri-State Ophthalmology, we know it can be overwhelming to come in as a new/returning patient. This page will help you prepare yourself for that, and understand more on what to expect when you come in for your appointment with us!

New Patient Form

Print and complete the patient form and bring with you to your appointment. Call the office if you have any questions. 

Office Policies

Please review our office policies prior to your appointment. Call the office if you have any questions.

We offer Care Credit in our Practice for flexible payment options. Click the link below to apply!


FAQs about cataract appointments

  • Insurance cards
  • Photo I.D.
  • List of current medications including dosage amounts and how many times a day

Please plan to be at our office between 1.5-2.5 hours depending on what all needs to take place for the cataract evaluation.

Yes, dilation is a very important process for the diagnostic aspect of the exam itself. This allows the surgeon to have a better unobstructive view into the eye. Dilation may last between 2-4 hours. (Depends on the person)

No, the cataract surgery will be planned and scheduled for a later date and this will be done at our outpatient surgery center, (Tri-State Surgery Center, located at Ironton Ohio, 405 South 3rd Street)

  • You will have paperwork that will need completed along with a vision questionnaire.
  • We will be doing an examination of each eye along with measuring the eye with our specially designed equipment to plan for IOL placement.
  • You will be examined and asked a medical history along with questions pertaining to your vision and how the cataract is impacting your daily life.
  • You will be meeting your surgeon along with other staff that will discuss options pertaining to the IOL to be planned for surgery and how cataract surgery is performed.
  • Last, you will be scheduled a date for surgery and receive a surgery packet with the dates and instructions for surgery.

If you wear contacts, YOU MUST STAY OUT OF CONTACTS FOR 1 WEEK PRIOR TO THE APPOINTMENT. This is very important as contacts can affect the shape of your cornea which is one of the measurements used to plan for surgery.

Yes, the doctor that you see for your cataract evaluation will be the doctor that performs you cataract surgery.

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